Faraz Jaka Nearing Six Figures

Dec 16, 2014

Steve Billirakis raises to 900 from early position, Rogen Chhabra calls in middle position and Faraz Jaka three-bets to 3,600 from the cutoff. Both Billirakis and Chhabra call.

All three players proceed to check to the river of a board reading AclubJheart10spade6diamond5spade where Jaka bets 4,900. Only Chhabra calls.

Jaka tables KspadeKclub, Chhabra mucks and Jaka collects the pot.

Faraz Jaka – 92,000 (184 bb)
Steve Billirakis – 63,000 (157 bb)
Rogen Chhabra – 20,000 (50 bb)

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