Faraz Jaka Knocks Out a Player

Jul 2, 2021

Peter Neff raises UTG+1 to 3,500, the player in the hijack calls, and the player in the small blind three-bets to 21,000, leaving himself only about 1,500 behind.

Season VIII WPT Player of the Year Faraz Jaka moves all in from the big blind, and Neff and the hijack both fold.

The small blind calls all in for about 22,500 with Club KHeart Q, but he’s dominated by Jaka’s Diamond ASpade K.

The board comes Diamond JSpade 4Heart 3Heart JHeart 7, and Jaka wins the pot with his ace to eliminate his opponent from Day 1A.

Faraz Jaka  –  83,000  (55 bb)

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