Fangxiao Zhang Drops Jing Wei Guo Late on Day 1A

Jul 17, 2023

Fangziao Zhang

Fangxiao Zhang (pictured) raises to 4,500 from under the gun, Ni Dong calls in the cutoff, and Jing Wei Guo pushes from the button, totaling 31,500. Zhang hangs around, Dong ducks out, and the two remaining players flip for a showdown.

Jing Wei Guo: Spade AHeart 5
Fangxiao Zhang: Heart ASpade K

The dealer spreads Heart KDiamond 10Diamond 4Club 9Spade 2 on the felt, locking in the hand for Zhang as Guo takes an exit just shy of a Day 2 birth.

Fangxiao Zhang – 245,000 (123 bb)
Jing Wei Guo – Eliminated

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