Fabian Gumz Scores a Much Bigger Double Thru Vojtech Skalak

Apr 11, 2024

Following an early position raise to 5,500, Vojtech Skalak three-bets to 12,000 from the button. Fabian Gumz then clicks it back with a four-bet to 21,500 from the small blind.

The original raiser folds but Skalak moves all in and Gumz calls, putting his 64,000 chips at risk.

Fabian Gumz: Diamond QClub Q
Vojtech Skalak: Heart ADiamond K

The most classic of flips would see one of these players enter six-figure territory, and after the Spade JDiamond 6Heart 6Heart 8Spade 4 runout, it was Gumz claiming the sizable pot.

Meanwhile, Nils Veipans has been eliminated, trimming the field to 13.

Fabian Gumz – 138,000 (55 bb)
Vojtech Skalak – 11,000 (4 bb)
Nils Veipans – eliminated

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