Ethan Yau Eliminated By Si Hao Zhu

Sep 22, 2024

Photo: Ethan Yau

Ethan Yau has met his end five spots before the money. Hand opens with Si Hao Zhu limping in from utg+1, button Yau raises, Zhu calls. Flop comes Diamond 5Spade 6Spade 2, check again from Zhu, Yau bets 25,000, Zhu calls again. On the turn Spade 9, Yau fires a 55,000 bet (leaving himself 3000 behind) and still doesn’t shake off Zhu to head to the river Spade 4. Zhu tosses in a 5000 chip, Yau tanks then tosses in his final chips. 

Zhu opens Spade ASpade 10 flush, Yau gets up to leave while showing Club AHeart A

Field is down to 54 players. 

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