Eric Panayiotou vs. Tony Dunst

Apr 27, 2015

Eric Panayiotou limps in from the button, Sungwon Lee completes the small blind, and WPT Raw Deal Analyst Tony Dunst raises to 11,000 from the big blind. Panayiotou reraises to 23,500, Lee folds, and Dunst calls.

The flop is KclubQheart8club and Dunst check-calls 12,500 from Panayiotou to see the 9spade turn, which both players check. The Adiamond river completes the board and Dunst bets 25,000.

Panayiotou calls, but mucks when Dunst tables AclubQspade for two pair.

Tony Dunst – 297,000 (99 bb)
Eric Panayiotou – 110,000 (36 bb)

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