Eric Haber Doubles Through Chris MacNeil

Nov 7, 2009

Jonathan Jaffe raises to 10,000 from under the gun and action folds to Eric "sheets" Haber in the small blind, who moves all-in for 67,800.  Chris MacNeil then reraises all-in out of the big blind having both Jaffe and Haber covered. 

Jaffe takes a minute to assess the situation before folding and before his cards hit the mcuk, Haber tells the table, "I’ve never felt like I’m drawing more dead in my life."  He flips up [As][Kc] and is shocked to see that MacNeil holds [Ad][Js]. 

Even though he has the best starting hand, a pessimistic Haber still removes his headphones and immediately starts making the rounds to say goodbye to his friends.

"Good seeing you Todd," Haber calls out to Todd Terry as the dealer begins to run out the board.  Haber stops bidding people adieu long enough to watch the board come [Qc][7d][5s][Th][7h].  Haber is shocked his hand held and sits back down to stack up his newly doubled stack.

Eric "sheets" Haber – 155,000
Chris MacNeil – 60,000

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