Eric Fields Doubles Through Adam Swan

Aug 31, 2019

Adam Swan raises to 1,800 in middle position and is met with a call from Eric Fields in the cutoff, as well as from Daniel Strelitz on the button, and Mozhgan Rajablu in the big blind.

The flop lands Club KClub QClub 9 and action checks to Strelitz who bets 4,000. Rajablu folds, but Swan check-raises to 20,000. Fields moves all in for 42,200, and after Strelitz folds, Swan calls.

Swan: Heart JHeart 10
Fields: Club ASpade A

Strelitz announces he folded the other two aces, and as the turn and river land the Spade 5 and Club 3, Fields strikes the double.

Eric Fields – 92,000
Daniel Strelitz – 19,100
Adam Swan – 17,500

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