Engin Sezerer Busts Baris Genc

Aug 25, 2024

Engin SezererPhotoEngin Sezerer

Action folds to Baris Genc on the button, who opens to 30,000. Engin Sezerer is in the big blind, and he three-bet jams with the covering stack. Genc quickly gets the rest of his chips, around 150,000 total, in the middle.

Baris Genc: Club AHeart Q
Engin Sezerer: Spade JClub J

Genc is behind in a race, and he whiffs the Spade KHeart 4Heart 3 flop. The Diamond J rolls off on the turn to leave Genc drawing dead, and the Diamond 4 river completes the board.

Engin Sezerer – 735,000 (49 bb)
Baris Genc – eliminated

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