Ema Zajmovic Takes the Chip Lead vs. Victor Lemos

Nov 22, 2016

Ema Zajmovic

With the board showing Spade QHeart QHeart 6Heart 8 on the turn, Ema Zajmovic (pictured) bets 30,000 under the gun, and Victor Lemos thinks for a while before he calls from the cutoff.

The river card is the Club A, Zajmovic bets 50,000, and Lemos quickly calls. Zajmovic shows Spade 6Club 6 to win the pot with a flopped full house, sixes full of queens, and Lemos mucks.

Ema Zajmovic  –  364,000  (121 bb)
Victor Lemos  –  68,000  (23 bb)

With this pot, Zajmovic appears to take the tournament chip lead.

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