Ely Levy Knocks Out Both Scott Efron & Bruce Snell

Apr 20, 2015

Scott Efron
Shawn Nguyen raises under the gun to 50,000, Scott Efron (pictured above) calls UTG+1, and Bruce Snell (pictured below) calls all in from the button for 21,000. Ely Levy calls from the big blind, and there is a side pot worth 87,000.

Snell is all in, and the other three players check to the turn on a board of Aclub8heart4diamondJspade. Levy bets 100,000, Nguyen folds, and Efron calls.

The river card is the 2heart, Levy bets 300,000, and Efron moves all in for about 750,000. Levy calls, and Efron shows QspadeJdiamond for a pair of jacks. But Levy turns over Aheart2diamond to win the side pot with two pair, aces and deuces, eliminating Efron from the tournament.

Snell, who was all in before the flop, mucks his cards without showing as he is also eliminated.

Ely Levy  –  4,900,000  (204 bb)
Scott Efron  –  Eliminated in 39th Place  ($15,900)
Bruce Snell  –  Eliminated in 40th Place  ($15,900)

Bruce Snell

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