Elias Aad Eliminated in 25th Place by Antonio Scalzi

Jul 1, 2017

With the board showing Spade AHeart 8Club 8Spade 10 on the turn, Elias Aad moves all in from the big blind for 52,000, the hijack folds, and Antonio Scalzi thinks for a while before he calls from the button with Spade KSpade Q for a gutshot straight-flush draw.

Aad turns over Diamond 8Diamond 6 for trip eights, and he needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The river card is the Spade 3, and Scalzi completes his spade flush to win the pot and eliminate Aad in 25th place.

Antonio Scalzi  –  335,000  (56 bb)
Elias Aad  –  Eliminated in 25th Place  ($1,200)

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