Eli Fisz Eliminated by Matin Talebi

Mar 21, 2024

Photo: Matin Talebi

A player under the gun raises to 16,000 and picks up two callers before Eli Fisz three-bets to 54,000 in the small blind. A middle-position player calls, as does Matin Talebi on the button.

The flop comes Spade ASpade 5Diamond 9 and Fisz bets 30,000. Both opponents call.

The turn is the Heart 4 and Fisz moves all in for 85,000. The middle-position player tanks for a moment before folding as action goes back on Talebi.

“I should not even be in this hand,” he says as he calls. Fisz shows Diamond AHeart Q for a pair of aces, but Talebi has Club 5Club 4 for two pair.

Fisz storms out of his seat in disgust as the Heart 8 completes the board to send last year’s runner-up to the rail.

“I know, I know it’s bad,” Talebi says as Fisz continues muttering to himself on the way to the exit. The middle-position player then says he folded ace-king.

Matin Talebi- 650,000 (81 bb)
Eli Fisz- eliminated

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