Eli Elezra Eliminated in 38th Place by Tong En Zhang

Sep 21, 2016

Eli Elezra

WPT Champions Club member Eli Elezra (pictured) moves all in under the gun for 196,000, and Tong En Zhang thinks for a while before he calls from the small blind. The big blind folds.

Elezra turns over Heart JClub J, and he needs to improve to stay alive against Zhang’s Heart AClub A.

The board comes Diamond AClub 10Heart 3Club 6Diamond 5, and Zhang flops a set of aces to win the pot and eliminate Elezra in 38th place.

Tong En Zhang  –  1,120,000  (70 bb)
Eli Elezra  –  Eliminated in 38th Place  ($12,832)

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