Eli Berg Eliminated by Jeffrey Ishbia

May 20, 2013

Hyon Kim raises UTG+1 to 17,000, Jeffrey Ishbia calls from the cutoff, and Eli Berg moves all in from the small blind for 119,000. Kim calls, and Ishbia reraises to 221,000. Kim folds.

Eli Berg shows [KsQs], but he’ll need to improve to survive against the [AcAs] of Ishbia.

The board comes [Qh8d6cAh8c], and Ishbia wins the pot with a full house, aces full of eights, to eliminate Berg from the tournament.

Jeffrey Ishbia  –  630,000  (78 bb)
Eli Berg  –  Eliminated

The remaining 27 players redraw for new seats at the final three tables.

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