Elena Stover Flops a Set and Turns a Boat

Mar 22, 2019

2019 Season VII WPTDeepStacks Maryland-Elena Stover

After a flop of Spade QDiamond 7Diamond 3, the player in the small blind checks, the big blind bets 800, and Elena Stover calls from the button. The small blind folds.

The turn card is the Diamond Q, the big blind bets 1,000, and Stover calls.

The river card is the Club 9, the big blind bets 1,000 again, and Stover check-raises to 4,500. The player in the big blind tanks for a while before he asks Stover, “Will you show if I fold?” Stover pauses for a moment, but seems to agree.

The big blind folds Club AHeart Q face up for trip queens. Stover shows Spade 3Club 3 for a full house, threes full of queens, as she takes the pot.

Elena Stover  –  41,000  (410 bb)

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