Edward Stoelwinder Puts in an Early Big Shove

May 19, 2024

Edward Stoelwinder raises to 8,000 in early position and picks up calls from Frederic Normand on the button and small blind Antoine Sankari.

The flop comes Club 5Heart JDiamond Q and Stoelwinder bets 15,000. Both opponents call and the Spade 10 falls on the turn.

Stoelwinder then moves all in for around 170,000. Normand quickly folds, but Sankari takes a minute before he also mucks as Stoelwinder takes down the pot.

Edward Stoelwinder- 220,000 (88 bb)
Antoine Sankari- 200,000 (80 bb)
Frederic Normand- 120,000 (48 bb)

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