Edouard Dupuis On Right Side of Classic Flip to Bust Davinder Garcha

May 12, 2024

Zaid Attar raises to 3,500 on the button before Edouard Dupuis three-bets to 15,500 in the small blind. Davinder Garcha then moves all in for around 50,000 in the big blind, Attar folds, but Dupuis snap-calls.

Davinder Garcha: Diamond QClub Q
Edouard Dupuis: Diamond ADiamond K

The flop comes Heart AHeart KClub 7 to give Dupuis top two pair, while the rest of the board is Spade 5Spade 2 and Garcha is sent to the rail.

WPT Champions Club member Frederic Normand has reentered after busting earlier and is at this table.

Edouard Dupuis- 130,000 (81 bb)
Zaid Attar- 130,000 (81 bb)
Frederic Normand- 45,000 (28 bb)
Davinder Garcha- eliminated

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