Edouard Dupuis Holds On For a Massive Double

May 12, 2024

Photo: Edouard Dupuis

Heads-up on a flop of Diamond 6Spade 5Spade 7, Edouard Dupuis bets 5,500 from the hijack before a player in the cutoff raises to 16,000. Dupuis then moves all in for 115,500 and the cutoff calls.

Edouard Dupuis: Club AHeart A
Opponent: Spade KSpade 9

Dupuis is ahead with his aces, while his opponent is on straight and flush draws. The Diamond 10 turn is safe for Dupuis, while the river is the Diamond Q and Dupuis doubles up.

Edouard Dupuis- 250,000 (125 bb)

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