"Dynamite" Haddad Strikes Against Hayato Kitajima

Apr 20, 2024

Photo: Michael Haddad

Michael Haddad raises to 11,000 from under the gun and Hayato Kitajima jams for around 50,000 in the small blind. The initial raiser, aptly named “Dynamite Haddad” asks for a count and then calls.

Hayato Kitajima: Diamond ASpade K
Michael Haddad: Heart KClub Q

The board runs out Heart ASpade JDiamond 2Diamond 10Club K and Haddad hits the perfect turn card.

“He hasn’t done anything for two hours. I was always gonna call but … ” Haddad says in table chat.

Michael Haddad – 340,000 (57 bb)

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