Dukenson Lebrun Turns the Nuts on Joey Weissman

May 19, 2024

Four-handed on a flop of Spade 9Spade 6Heart A, Joey Weissman bets 7,500 from under the gun and Graham Lupton folds in the cutoff, the small blind also folds, but Dukenson Lebrun calls in the big blind.

The turn is the Spade 5 and Weissman bets another 18,000. Lebrun again calls to the Club 10 river and checks to Weissman.

Weissman this time checks behind and Lebrun shows Diamond 8Spade 7 for the turned straight to win the pot.

Dukenson Lebrun- 260,000 (87 bb)
Joey Weissman- 110,000 (37 bb)
Graham Lupton- 480,000 (160 bb)

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