Dukenson Lebrun Picks Up a Knockout

May 19, 2024

Karim-Olivier Kamal raises to 12,000 in the cutoff before the button moves all in for 33,000. Dukenson Lebrun reraises to 100,000 in the big blind and Kamal folds.

All-In Player: Diamond AHeart 7
Dukenson Lebrun: Spade ASpade Q

Lebrun has his opponent dominated as the board runs out Spade 5Club 4Heart 10Spade JHeart 2, earning him the pot with his queen-kicker and sending the all-in player to the rail.

Dukenson Lebrun- 260,000 (52 bb)
Karim-Olivier Kamal- 500,000 (100 bb)

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