Douieb Remonstrates With Himself

Sep 14, 2012

Jerome Douieb limps in early position and Philipp Gruissem pumps it up to 45,000 from the small blind. Theo Jorgensen folds in the big and Douieb calls.

The flop is [7h] [3h] [3c] and Douieb calls a 30,000 Gruissem c-bet. The [4c] is checked through by both parties and we see the [Ah] on the river. Gruissem bets 105,000 and Douieb decides to make the call. Gruissem shows [Ad] [Ks] and Douieb mucks his hand, but not before remonstrating with himself for the way that he played it.

Gruissem ~ 675,000
Douieb ~ 400,000

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