Doubles for David Pecheur and Mathieu Papineau

Sep 29, 2018

David Pecheur is denied a triple up when he gets his stack of 160,000 in with the Club 10Spade 10 against the Heart ASpade K of Kalidou Sow in the big blind and the Spade ADiamond K of Abdullatif Attia in under the gun. The board brings an eight-high straight and they chop it up.

Pecheur then doubles through Sow for 170,000 with Spade ADiamond Q versus Heart KHeart Q on a board of Club 8Diamond 7Heart 4Diamond 9Heart 9 before doubling once more right after versus Attia.

At the same time, Mathieu Papineau is all in for 480,000 and gets called by Yves Rolland.

Mathieu Papineau: Club AClub 10
Yves Rolland: Club 9Diamond 9

The board comes Spade 10Club 7Diamond 5Diamond 6Diamond Q and Papineau holds up.

Kalidou Sow – 1,100,000
Mathieu Papineau – 1,000,000
Abdullatif Attia – 600,000
David Pecheur – 600,000
Yves Rolland – 530,000

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