Double-Ups for Pratyush Ladha and Abhishek Sharma

Apr 13, 2023

Abhishek Sharma

From under the gun, Pratyush Ladha jams for 24,000 and Prasanna Ramachandra goes over the top from middle position to isolate.

Pratyush Ladha: Heart 2Spade 2
Prasanna Ramachandra: Spade ASpade 9

The mighty ducks win on the Diamond 7Heart 6Heart 5Club 3Spade J board. Shortly after on the same table, Loveleen Bachhal raises to 16,000 on the button and calls the shove by Abhishek Sharma for another 52,000 on top.

Abhishek Sharma: Spade 4Diamond 4
Loveleen Bachhal: Diamond AClub 7

Once more, the pocket pair holds strong on the Club KDiamond 9Club 5Heart 10Spade 6 board and the field remains at 26 hopefuls.

Loveleen Bachhal – 450,000
Prasanna Ramachandra – 175,000
Abhishek Sharma – 150,000
Pratyush Ladha – 48,000

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