Double Seat Open Boosts Ari Kumpumaki

Nov 23, 2019

Neel Mazumdar moves all in for 10,300 after a raise and Corbin White does so for slightly more. Ari Kumpumaki goes all in over the top and the initial raiser folds, says in table chat he has ace-jack.

Neel Mazumdar: Heart AHeart K
Corbin White: Spade KDiamond K
Ari Kumpumaki: Club 4Diamond 4

The board comes Heart 8Club 8Heart 7Spade 6Spade 4 and Kumpumaki rivers a full house.

Ari Kumpumaki – 50,000
Corbin White – Eliminated
Neel Mazumdar – Eliminated

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