Double Knockout for Naoya Fujihisa

Feb 15, 2020

“Attia Abdellatif

Attia Abdellatif (pictured) raises to 22,000 with 25,000 behind and Naoya Fujihisa calls in late position. Out of the small blind, Tsuyoshi Matsuura moves all in and then has Abdellatif call all-in. Fujihisa sigh-calls and the cards are turned over.

Attia Abdellatif: Diamond QClub Q
Tsuyoshi Matsuura: Heart KSpade K
Naoya Fujihisa: Heart AHeart Q

The board comes Diamond 9Heart 6Heart 3Heart 9Spade 7 and Fujihisa hits a flush, the stacks are counted and his 69,500 has Matsuura covered by one single chip.

Naoya Fujihisa – 170,000
Tsuyoshi Matsuura – Eliminated
Attia Abdellatif – Eliminated

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