Double Knockout Boosts Yujie Sun to Healthy Stack

Mar 18, 2023

Ronald Kum moves all-in for 14,100 and Yujie Sun calls from one seat over. Calvin Seet Pin Tan then jams for around 35,000 and Sun makes the call to put two players at risk.

Ronald Kum: Spade AClub K
Calvin Seet Pin Tan: Heart ASpade K
Yujie Sun: Spade QClub Q

The board runs out Heart 10Club 9Club 7Diamond QClub 3 and Sun knocks out both opponents. “That’s the best, queens against two ace-king,” Brad Owen mentions in table chat.

Yujie Sun – 120,000
Brad Owen – 110,000
Calvin Seet Pin Tan – Eliminated
Ronald Kum – Eliminated

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