Double Elimination in WPTDS Berlin

Jan 7, 2018

Johannes Schulze
Victor Ilyukhin moved all in from under the gun for 67,000 and Toni Jaervisalo three-bet all in from the next position for 139,000.

It folded to Johannes Schulze(pictured) in middle position who thought about flat-calling, but decided to four-bet all in putting both players at risk. The remaining players all folded and the cards were turned over.

Victor Ilyukhin: Spade AHeart K
Toni Jaervisalo: Heart AHeart J
Johannes Schulze: Spade QClub Q

“I’m dead,” said Jaervisalo as the cards were turned over, but he picked up outs on the Club JHeart 4Spade 6 flop. The turn brought the Spade 8 and the river the Diamond Q meaning Schulze sent two players to the rail.

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