Dmitrii Shchepkin vs. Andy Hills

Jun 26, 2018

Dmitrii Shchepkin
Photo:  Dmitrii Shchepkin

With the board showing Heart QHeart 9Diamond 9Diamond 5 on the turn, Dmitrii Shchepkin bets 29,000 from the small blind, and Andy Hills calls from the big blind.

The river card is the Heart A, Shchepkin bets 25,000, and Hills tanks for a long time, and eventually somebody calls for a clock.

The 30-second countdown gets to the final six seconds before Hills calls, and Shchepkin shows Diamond ADiamond Q for two pair, aces and queens. Hills mucks, and Shchepkin wins the pot.

Dmitrii Shchepkin  –  333,000  (67 bb)
Andy Hills  –  61,000  (12 bb)

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