Danesh Luthra and Dustin Melanson Eliminated by Baseem Nsier

May 19, 2024

Three players put in 35,000 before the flop before Danesh Luthra moves all in for 65,000 in the small blind. All three opponents call.

The flop comes Spade JDiamond 8Club 4 and Dustin Melanson moves all in for 230,000 under the gun. Baseem Nsier calls in middle position, while Thinh Bui folds the button.

Danesh Luthra: Diamond 7Diamond 4
Dustin Melanson: Club KDiamond K
Baseem Nsier: Club JClub 8

Nsier is ahead with two pair and is poised to crack Melanson’s kings as the turn comes Spade 8 to improve him to a full house. The river is the Club 6 and Nsier takes the pot to send both players to the exit.

Baseem Nsier- 1,800,000 (120 bb)
Thinh Bui- 350,000 (23 bb)
Dustin Melanson- eliminated
Danesh Luthra– eliminated

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