Dien Nguyen Doubles Thru Antonio Esfandiari

Feb 27, 2017

Matt Berkey raises to 8,000 from middle position, Dien Nguyen three-bets to 25,000 from the cutoff, Antonio Esfandiari four-bets to 62,000 from the big bind, Berkey folds, Nguyen reraises all in for 133,000, and Esfandiari calls.

Nguyen: Heart KDiamond K
Esfandiari: Club ASpade K

The board comes down Diamond 10Heart 9Spade 8Club 8Diamond 3, no help to Esfandiari, locking up the double for Nguyen.

Dien Nguyen – 280,000 (93 bb)
Antonio Esfandiari – 45,000 (15 bb)

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