Didier Guerin Doubles Up Early

Oct 5, 2019

Didier Guerin

Ted Hatzakortzian raises to 300 from under the gun and is called by Didier Guerin (pictured) in the hijack. The player in the cutoff then re-raises to 875. Hatzakortzian and Guerin both call.

The flop comes Diamond ADiamond JSpade 7 and the action checks to the cutoff who continues for 1,900. Hatzakortzian folds. Guerin raises to 4,600. His opponent calls.

The turn brings the Heart K and Guerin fires out 8,500. He is quickly called.

Guerin then moves all-in for his remaining 15,000 after the Club 6 completes the board.

His opponent calls immediately, but mucks his hand, when Guerin tables Heart 7Club 7 for a set of sevens.

Didier Guerin – 59,000

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