Diaz Hits His Draw

Nov 7, 2014

After a UTG raise to 1,050, Allyn Shulman calls from middle position, Shaun Deeb calls from the small blind, and David Diaz calls from the big blind.

The flop comes [Jd][6c][9d]. It checks to the original raiser who bets 1,650, then Shulman raises to 3,700. Deeb quickly folds, then Diaz shoves for 15,550. The UTG player thinks a while before folding, then Shulman also tanks for about a half-minute before calling the shove.

Shulman has [Kd][Jc] for top pair and the lead while Diaz has the nut flush draw with [Ad][6d]. The [4d] on the turn completes the flush for Diaz, and thus the two-pair making [Js] on the river is no matter for Shulman. 

Allyn Shulman – 62,000
David Diaz – 35,000
Shaun Deeb – 16,000

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