Devid Berlin Eliminated in 13th Place by Traian Stanciu

Jun 9, 2024

Devid Berlin
Photo: Devid Berlin

The action folds around to Devid Berling who shoves 600,000 from the button. Traian Stanciu looks down at his cards in the big blind and snap-calls, putting Berling at risk.

Devid Berlin: Heart ADiamond Q
Traian Stanciu: Spade ASpade K

The board comes Spade 7Diamond 5Club 3Heart 8Diamond A and Stanciu takes it home with big slick. Berlin falls to the wayside in the process, taking an exit in 13th place.

Traian Stanciu – 7,900,000 (79 bb)
Devid Berlin – Eliminated in 13th Place (€8,500)

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