Derek Wolters Eliminated in 48th Place by Randy Lew

Mar 10, 2016

Derek Wolters

Derek Wolters (pictured) raises under the gun to 22,000, Randy Lew reraises from the hijack to 50,000, and Wolters moves all in for about 220,000. Lew calls with Heart AHeart K, and Wolters turns over Spade QDiamond Q. Wolters needs his hand to hold to stay alive.

The board comes Club ADiamond JClub 9Club 10Spade A — Lew pairs his ace on the flop, and Wolters turns an open-ended straight draw. But Lew rivers trip aces to win the pot and eliminate Wolters from the tournament.

Randy Lew  –  965,000  (97 bb)
Derek Wolters  –  Eliminated in 48th Place  ($19,000)

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