Derek Van Lieshout Forces Fold from Bradley Smith

May 13, 2024

Derek Van LieshoutPhoto:Derek Van Lieshout

Charlie Azoulay opens from the cutoff to 600 and is called by Derek Van Lieshout on the button, but then Bradley Smith three-bets to 2,600 and both players call. 

The flop comes out Spade 5Diamond 8Heart 8 and Smith continues for 4,600, producing a fold from Azoulay and a call from Van Lieshout. 

On the turn Club J, Smith fires again for 7,200, but then Van Lieshout pops it to 17,100, sending Smith into the tank. 

After around 30 seconds, he slides his cards to the dealer, awarding the pot to Van Lieshout. 

“Did you have an eight?” he asks, but Van Lieshout shakes his head no. 

“Well, I probably folded the best hand then,” Smith sighs as he watches Van Lieshout stack his new chips. 

Derek Van Lieshout  – 54,000 (270 bb)
Bradley Smith – 30,000 (150 bb)

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