Derek Lerner Doubles Thru David Quang

May 6, 2013

Derek Lerner raises UTG+1 to 16,000, but David Quang may not have seen it as he reraises from the small blind to 130,000 in what looks like an attempt to put short-stacked Ty Reiman all in from the big blind.

When Reiman folds, Quang turns over his cards to show [As7s], but then he learns that Lerner is still in the pot. Quang covers his cards again, and Lerner asks for a ruling to see if Quang’s hand is dead.

The ruling comes that the hand will play out normally, and Lerner has the option to fold, call, or raise even though he has seen Quang’s cards. When the ruling is final, Lerner says something along the lines of, "Whatever, I’m all in," and he’s all in for about 450,000.

Even though everyone at the table knows what Quang has, he snap-calls with his [As7s]. Lerner turns over [Ac9c], and he’s a dominant favorite to double up here.

The board comes [KsJc6h9d4h], and Lerner celebrates loudly as he wins the pot with a pair of nines to double up in chips.

Derek Lerner  –  915,000  (114 bb)
David Quang  –  165,000  (20 bb)

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