Dennis Gerschengoren Finds Tough River Call

Apr 14, 2024

Hyeongseok Gong opens to 100,00 in middle position and is met with a three-bet to 300,000 from Dennis Gerschengoren in the small blind.

On the Spade AHeart 7Club 9 flop Gerschengoren continues with a bet of 110,000. Gong calls.

The Heart 3 turn is checked through by both players.

On the Diamond K river, Gerschengoren checks to Gong, who thinks for a moment before sliding out a bet of 500,000.

Gerschengoren goes deep into the tank, but eventually flicks in the call. Gong says “Good call” and shows Diamond 10Heart 10 for a pair of tens and Gerschengoren has Heart KDiamond Q for a rivered pair of kings, good enough to send him the pot.

Dennis Gerschengoren – 3,100,000 (77 bb)
Hyeongseok Gong – 2,550,000 (63 bb)

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