Denis Pham Wins Large Pot off Brian Molc

May 28, 2022

In a pot of around 90,000 to the Club ASpade 10Spade 3Spade 6Diamond A river, Brian Molc bets 50,000 in the hijack. Denis Pham on the button tanks for a while and carefully counts his remaining chips before pushing forward a min-raise to 100,000.

Molc instantly rolls over his cards, the Spade 5Spade 4 for a flush after which Pham clarifies that he had raised and asks if Molc calls. His opponent nods and Pham flips over the Diamond 3Heart 3 for a full house.

One hand later, Molc limp-calls an all-in for around 40,000 and flips with Club ADiamond 9 versus Club 3Heart 3. The Club 10Heart 8Diamond 5Heart AHeart 2 board gives Molc some chips back.

Denis Pham – 390,000
Brian Molc – 225,000

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