Dejan Boskovic Eliminated by Dustin Tran

Mar 5, 2023

Dejan Boskovic gets it all in for about 160,000 against Dustin Tran and Noman Mirza. Any further betting will create a side pot between Mirza and Tran.

Both players check to the turn on a board of Diamond AHeart KSpade 2Heart 9, Tran bets 150,000, and Mirza folds.

Tran shows Spade ASpade 9 for two pair, aces and nines, and Boskovic mucks his cards, apparently drawing dead. But since it is an all-in situation, the dealer turns them over to reveal Club QDiamond 8 for queen high.

The meaningless river card is the Diamond 9, and Tran wins the pot with his full house, nines full of aces, to eliminate Boskovic from the tournament.

Dustin Tran  –  1,825,000  (73 bb)
Dejan Boskovic  –  Eliminated

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