Deepak Singh Eliminated in 7th Place by Siddharth Jolly (1,405,000 INR / $17,166)

Apr 17, 2023

Deepak Singh

Hand #82: Down to the last 775,000, Deepak Singh moves all-in from the hijack and so does chip leader Prasit Chowdhury from the next seat. Siddharth Jolly calls all-in on the button and the blinds get out of the way.

Deepak Singh: Diamond KDiamond 10
Siddharth Jolly: Heart QDiamond Q
Prasit Chowdhury: Club KHeart J

Singh finds a flush draw but never gets there on the Diamond 6Spade 5Diamond 3Spade JSpade 9 runout to finish in seventh place while Jolly doubles to a near even stack with Chowdhury.

Siddharth Jolly – 6,200,000 (31 bb)
Prasit Chowdhury – 6,150,000 (31 bb)
Deepak Singh – Eliminated in 7th Place (1,405,000 INR / $17,166)

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