Day 2 With partypoker Ambassador Dunst

Nov 4, 2016

Tony DunstWe grabbed a quick word with partypoker ambassador Tony Dunst at the break to find out how his day has been and how he got that monster stack

Dunst spent most of the day hovering comfortably around 180,000 chips when he had a huge hand that propelled him towards the 400,000 mark.

There was an open from under the gun for 6,500 and Dunst made it 18,500 from the cut-off. His opponent called and they went to a flop of Club ASpade 6Spade 5.

It was checked to Dunst who bet 15,000 and got called. The turn was the Diamond 2 and Dunst bet 37,500. His opponent moved all in and Dunst snapped him off.

Dunst had top set Heart ASpade A but needed to fade another spade as his opponent showed Spade KSpade Q.

The river was the Club 5 giving Dunst a full house.

There were several bust outs at Dunst’s table throughout the day which gradually made the table a bit easier for him but there were always some good players to contend with. Having a good stack of chips in front of him also helped to make the day more comfortable. Winning all his all ins really helped as well!

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