Day 2 Chip Leader Dean Arsenie Eliminated in 13th Place (€5,345)

May 7, 2017

Dean Arsenie

Alberto Stegeman raised to 50,000 from middle position at the new blind level of 10,000/20,000/3,000. Thomas Soderstrom called in the small blind, as did Dean Arsenie (pictured above) in the big blind.

The flop came Club 4Club 10Heart 4 and Soderstrom led for 105,000. Arsenie counted out the chips for a call before re-raising all in for around 450,000. Stegeman (pictured below) wasted no time in moving all in himself and Soderstrom quickly folded.

Alberto Stegeman

“I didn’t want that,” said Arsenie, “You have to have an over pair?”

Stegeman did have an over pair, the over-est of pairs with Heart ASpade A. Arsenie turned over Heart KSpade 10. The turn was the Club 6 and the river the Heart 5 giving Stegeman the double up.

The very next hand Arsenie was all in blind on blind against Kees Aerts. Arsenie held Club QDiamond 10 and Aerts Club AHeart 10. The board ran out Heart JSpade 2Club 5Club KClub 6 and Arsenie was eliminated in 13th place for €5,345 ($5,880).

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