Davin Anderson Cracks Anthony Zinno's Aces

Apr 2, 2023

Davin AndersonPhoto:  David Anderson

Davin Anderson raises all in for 22,000 from the button, Ken Jorgensen reraises all in for 43,500 from the small blind and WPT Champions Club member Anthony Zinno calls in the big blind with a slight covering stack to put both at risk.

Anderson:  Club QSpade 9
Jorgensen:  Spade AHeart 8
Zinno:  Club AHeart A

The board runs out Club KHeart QSpade 8Club JClub 9, giving Anderson queens and nines on the river to crack Zinno’s aces and triple up. Zinno, meanwhile, eliminates Jorgensen in a side pot.

Davin Anderson  –  67,500  (45 bb)
Anthony Zinno  –  46,000  (31 bb)
Ken Jorgensen  –  Eliminated

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