David Yan and Toshihide Sawada Cut Xing Long Huang from Contention

Jul 20, 2023

David Yan

David Yan sends his stack of roughly 300,000 into the middle with Xing Long Huang who has just a few thousand above.

David Yan: Heart 9Spade 8
Xing Long Huang: Club 8Heart 2

The board comes Diamond 10Heart 5Club 5Heart 4Spade 10 and Yan’s nine pulls in a double, leaving Huang with crumbs.

Huang puts his remaining stack into the middle on the very next hand and Toshihide Sawada is there to hook him up with a runout.

Huang turns Club 9Diamond 2 over and is against the Heart AClub K of Sawada. An uneventful Spade 10Diamond 8Spade QSpade 3Diamond 10 board lands and Huang heads to the payout desk.

David Yan – 650,000 (22 bb)
Toshihide Sawada – 480,000 (16 bb)
Xing Long Huang – Eliminated

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