David Stefanski Eliminated in 14th Place ($21,445)

Sep 24, 2018

David Stefanski

Shankar Pillai raises to 55,000 from under the gun, David Stefanski (pictured) three-bets to 95,000 from the next seat over and Ed Sebesta four-bet shoves for about 800,000 from the next seat over. Pillai folds and Stefanski calls all in for 140,000.

Stefanski: Spade JClub 10
Sebesta: Heart 6Spade 6

The board runs out Club JDiamond 6Diamond 3Club 7Heart 10, giving Sebesta a set of sixes to eliminate Stefanski in 14th place.

Ed Sebesta – 1,060,000
David Stefanski – Eliminated in 14th Place ($21,445)

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