David Soin Eliminated by Dongkyu Kim in 13th Place (TWD404,000/$12,641)

Aug 20, 2023

David Soin

David Soin raises to 125,000 and Feng Wen Chen uses a time bank before he three-bets big to 530,000. The shove by Soin follows and Chen calls all-in.

Feng Wen Chen: Club KHeart K
David Soin: Heart ASpade A

The rail is stunned when the Spade KDiamond 4Spade 4Spade JClub 6 runout delivers a two-outer for Chen, who doubles for 1,485,000.

One hand later, Soin jams for the last 320,000 and Dongkyu Kim reraises to 600,000 one seat over, isolating successfully.

David Soin: Diamond 10Club 7
Dongkyu Kim: Club AClub K

On a board of Diamond AClub 6Heart 3Club 9Spade 6, Soin comes up second best to bow out in 13th place.

Dongkyu Kim – 5,200,000 (87 bb)
Feng Wen Chen – 3,200,000 (60 bb)
David Soin – Eliminated in 13th Place (TWD404,000/$12,641)

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