David Sacksick Eliminated by Loic Menneteau Short of Day 2

Aug 4, 2023

David Sacksick

Loic Menneteau moves all in from under the gun for a total of 78,000 and David Sicksack (pictured) calls in the hijack for less, having 52,000 and the rest of the table folds.

David Sacksick: Heart ADiamond Q
Loic Menneteau: Spade 9Club 9

The dealer spreads Heart 10Diamond 9Diamond 4Spade 6Spade A on the table and Sacksick falls just shy of a Day 2 birth. Menneteau pulls in the pot with his set and the final 27 has been reached.

Loic Menneteau – 133,000 (22 bb)

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