David ODB Baker Finds Two Doubles

Dec 17, 2022

David ODB Baker

Hand #1: Isaac Kempton opens to 300,000 under the gun and David ODB Baker (pictured) calls all in for. his last 225,000 in the cutoff. Krasimir Yankov re-raises to 1 million and Kempton folds.

Baker shows Heart KDiamond K and sees Yankov table Spade 10Club 10.

A ten appears in the window of the flop Diamond QHeart 10Club 4, and Baker lets out a slight chuckle. Immediately thereafter, the Club K appears on the turn to give Baker a set of kings and put him back in front. The river falls the Club 5 and Baker secures the double.

Hand #2: Later in the orbit, Baker opens to 975,000 under the gun, leaving 75,000 behind. Yankov calls in the lojack, and action goes heads up to a flop of Club 7Heart 7Club 3 where Baker check-calls off the rest.

Baker’s Heart 2Diamond 2 is ahead of Yankov’s Heart ADiamond Q, and running Club 5Diamond 7 keeps his hand best to score him another double.

Krasimir Yankov – 17,000,000 (113 bb)
David ODB Baker – 2,425,000 (16 bb)

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